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Can’t celebrate Durga Puja while others are still suffering: Apu Biswas

Shubho Mahalaya, the most significant religious festival for Bengali Sanatan (Hindu) practitioners, marks the auspicious beginning of Durga Puja today. This day indicates the start of Devi Paksha, which is a crucial element of the Puja celebrations.
Amid this spiritual fervour, the ever-cheerful Apu Biswas, who is known for her lively spirit during Durga Pujas, finds herself in a more subdued mood this year, with no grand celebrations planned to celebrate the festivity.
Apu Biswas revealed that she hasn’t made any plans for this year’s Durga Puja, admitting she isn’t feeling her best, which is why there won’t be any major celebrations.
Explaining further, she shared, “My hometown in the North is still undergoing severe flooding, and this has been weighing heavily on my mind. With so many people affected by the floods, I have decided not to plan anything for Puja this year.”
Then again, Apu extended her heartfelt Durga Puja wishes to her fans, saying, “Durga Puja is a special occasion that comes only once a year. On this day of Mahalaya, I send my sincere greetings to all. May everyone be blessed with prosperity.”
The “Koti Takar Kabin” star emphasised how important her fans are, stating that their unwavering support has been key to her success. “To my fans, I offer my deepest gratitude, along with my Puja greetings and endless love,” said the actress. 
Durga Puja is a time when family, friends, and well-wishers come together, and the absence of loved ones leaves a void that can never truly be filled.
When asked whom she misses the most during this time, Apu Biswas shared, “I miss my mother the most. Honestly, I think about her every day, constantly. But during Puja, her absence feels even more profound.”
Reflecting on previously cherished memories, she added, “During Puja, my mother would always make so many plans and preparations. On Mahalaya, she would visit the riverbank. Today, all those memories are flooding right back. If she were still here, she would have done so much for all of us.”
While talking about her memories of her childhood during Durga Puja, Apu Biswas fondly reminisced, “The Puja of my early years was a time of unmatched happiness. That pure delight can never be recaptured. Back then, Durga Puja meant the excitement of wearing new clothes, the house brimming with guests, and endless moments of fun and laughter.”
She went on to say, “As a child, the thrill of gazing at the majestic Durga idols filled me with pure wonder. I would admire them with eager eyes and a heart full of happiness. Even now, as Durga Puja arrives, I find myself traveling back to those magical days.”
